
Getaria as a base to visit the Basque Country

Dear friends:

When we opened our hotel, we had some ideas to propose our guests to do: visits, eating, and drinking around Getaria,... but our surprise was that we also learn a lot from our visitors, and would like to share it with you.

On their first visit or days, our guests ask us about the typical tour spots you can find on any guide (max. 1 hour drive from Getaria): Donostia/San Sebastian and its "pintxo"-s, Bilbao and Guggenheim, Hondarribia, Biarritz, Rioja wineries, Pamplona/Iruñea and their San Fermin festivals (July 6-14),... their day normally finishes at Getaria with a grilled fish and txakoli white wine: Getaria has a wide range bars and restaurants: all grills are in the street, and the the smell of grilled fish is too tempting.

After all the "must to visit" around Getaria, we love hearing their experiences. We learn a lot about our guests' interests: the Basques, our customs, our language, "secret" charming corners, village festivals,... and we try to help them proposing activities

- Walking tours: around Txakoli greipyards and wineries, walking along the coast: Getaria - Zarautz uphill, and back by the sea: (about 2 hours walk)

- Sagardotegiak - cider houses in winter-spring season.

- Basque gastronomy.
- Festivals.
- Cycling tours
- Inland tours: Basque mountains, valleys, villages, eat and share smiles and conversations on local bars (some young locals can speak english)
- Surfing
- Diving
- Sailing

We will try to develop the above items on different posts. If you would be interested in a specific activity or visit, please answer to us, and we will do our best to help you.

Saiaz Getaria Hotela - www.saiazgetaria.com


Ongi etorri Saiaz Getariara

Gure blog berriarekin, Saiaz Getaria hotelak gure bisitariekiko harremanak estutzea du helburu.

Hotelaren inguruan biltzen garen lagunok, bai Getaria bertako zein bisitariok, hotelaren berri eta inguruko ekitaldiak zuzenki jakinaraztea dugu helburu, eta bestetik bisitarien esperientziak konpartitzeko baliogarri izan dadila gura genuke.

Beraz, lehen kokapen gisa, esango genizueke Getarian gaudela (Gipuzkoan), itsasoz, eta mahastiz inguraturik, eta herriko kaleetatik ibiltzean, gora eta behera dabilen haizeak bi usai zabaltzen dizkigu: iparretik datorkigun kresal usai sarkorra, eta parrillena.

Zurrunbilo hontan harrapatuta geldituko bagina, ez kezkatu: bertan harrapatutako bisigurik aspaldian erre ez badugu ere, badago zer jan. Eta edateko? txakolinik gabe, ezin Getariarron nortasuna ulertu.

Ongi etorriak izan zaitezte guztiok.